Our Services
One-on-One Tutoring
One-on-One Tutoring in Any Subject
Book a one-on-one session in person or over Zoom for any subject with one of our top-of-their-class tutors.
We offer tutoring in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Statistics
Private Classes
Private Classes for Select Subjects
Join us for a private class in person or over Zoom and be one of our many students who finish their semesters with As.
We currently offer classes for Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics (both College and University).
Career Consulting
Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, Pre-Health?
If you're looking for a career in the healthcare field, it's never too early to start planning your path to graduate school. We've helped over a dozen students get into the graduate schools of their choice, and we can help you too!
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Students Taught
600+ |
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Percent "A" Rate*
82.7% |
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Percent Passing Rate
99.3% |
*Based on surveys of students taking our Crash Courses in the 2020-21 Academic Year
About Us
What is UniKings Tutoring?
UniKings Tutoring is a tutoring company for all undergraduate and high school Math and Science subjects designed by a student for students. After learning all of the secrets to getting a 4.0 GPA in undergrad, we're ready to pass down all these secrets to you. So, let us get you started on DAT tutoring, MCAT test prep, or SAT tutoring, or request private GRE classes and career counseling for a smooth undergrad experience. Well, what is the secret to getting As? It all starts with the right mentor. Having someone who already did it has all the secret study strategies you need to pull off an A in every class. And we have just the UniKing for that. For every one of our classes, we teach you exactly what you need to know for your exams, along with types of commonly asked questions on exams, and how easy topics have been made tricky on exams, so that by the time your MCAT test or SAT comes around, you're ready to kill it with a 100. Seek career counseling or tutoring services via Zoom or face-to-face in Queens, NYC. Do you guarantee an A? We give you everything you need to know to get an A in your course, but it's ultimately up to you to invest the time and studying to putting our material to use. Our job is to make the learning process as easy as possible, and we'll teach you everything you need to get the A you deserve. |
How do your students do well?
We have a different approach to learning. We teach you to understand material instead of memorizing it. Let's be real, memorization can get annoying. Through various different analogies, interesting stories, and jokes, we know exactly how to get the point across so that you're ready to ace your exam when it comes around. How have your students done in the past? Our students are some of the highest scoring students in their classes. Normally, the #1, #2, and #4 ranking students in their classes are our students. Out of 120 students in a class, 10% will usually get an A. Out of those 12 students, 8 or 9 are ours. And we've been like this consistently for a few years. So yeah, what we're doing definitely works, and 9/10 of our students strongly recommend us to a friend. |
Our Reviews
Check out what our students have to say about us!
"I really liked the way you explained complex concepts in a simple way and the notes were very helpful." - Rose S.
"Helps solidify information and gives clear and easier explanations about the course information. The professors make things sound too complicated and this tutoring course allows for clarity and makes chemistry something anyone can learn from the breaking down of topics." - Alexis L.
"I found your explanations a lot easier than how our professor was teaching us and you let us know what we absolutely had to know without dragging the material out." - Veronica I.
I liked that the course really matched what we were doing in class and followed the same notes as my lecture class. I also liked how the course included reviews for all exams. Finally, the course taught orgo in a more fun manner, such as through jokes and side stories, that really helped memorize the concepts. - Sharona P.
I liked how you talked as if we never learned orgo because Professor Graham always Spoke as if we’ve taken this class already but how you spoke and how you taught us helped me learn it well. Especially the examples you used which only we would understand also helped because you used relatable things that we could connect to and understand what we were learning better. Also the recordings helped a lot because if I ever I was confused on a topic or I missed something that you said I could use your recordings to play it back. Also with the recordings I would watch them when I had a study so not only did I go to your tutoring on Sundays but I also got to watch the whole thing again and refresh. - Jaynie D.
"Helps solidify information and gives clear and easier explanations about the course information. The professors make things sound too complicated and this tutoring course allows for clarity and makes chemistry something anyone can learn from the breaking down of topics." - Alexis L.
"I found your explanations a lot easier than how our professor was teaching us and you let us know what we absolutely had to know without dragging the material out." - Veronica I.
I liked that the course really matched what we were doing in class and followed the same notes as my lecture class. I also liked how the course included reviews for all exams. Finally, the course taught orgo in a more fun manner, such as through jokes and side stories, that really helped memorize the concepts. - Sharona P.
I liked how you talked as if we never learned orgo because Professor Graham always Spoke as if we’ve taken this class already but how you spoke and how you taught us helped me learn it well. Especially the examples you used which only we would understand also helped because you used relatable things that we could connect to and understand what we were learning better. Also the recordings helped a lot because if I ever I was confused on a topic or I missed something that you said I could use your recordings to play it back. Also with the recordings I would watch them when I had a study so not only did I go to your tutoring on Sundays but I also got to watch the whole thing again and refresh. - Jaynie D.